Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Bioengineering Department’s Statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

The UC San Diego Bioengineering Department continuously strives to achieve Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. As a department, we recognize that a cycle of support is key to breaking cycles of injustice. We believe that it is through outreach, visibility, accountability, mentoring, climate, community, and advocacy that this cycle of support consisting of recruitment, retention, advancement, and leadership thrives. This cycle can bring about the best and necessary changes in our department, our field, and our nation. 

We develop the leaders of tomorrow because we invite, embrace, and learn from the diverse members of our community. Within our offices, labs, and classrooms, we wholeheartedly believe in leveraging diversity initiatives and supporting the success of all individuals. 

As individuals participating in the Bioengineering community, it is our responsibility to uphold our core values to achieve our mission, we strive to:

  • Promote the health, safety, and welfare of all members of our diverse society through the application of our Bioengineering profession.
  • Educate our faculty, staff and students on the history and continued impacts of biases based on race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, age, disability, and sexual orientation. 
  • Create a culture where all people are welcome.
  • Create social justice advocates, within the department and society at large. 
  • Attract and develop a more diverse student, staff, and faculty population via a holistic approach to application review and hiring practices
  • Self-evaluate to ensure that our policies are inclusive and equitable. 
  • Ensure that resources, programs, facilities, and services are distributed fairly and accessible to everyone.

Learn about our campaign to highlight our community members >> Diverse Voices: Our Stories