Nikhil Kshirsagar

Photo of Nikhil Kshirsagar, M.S. - Plan II 2023

Describe your background
Electronics undergrad.

Describe your area of research and/or your area of specialty
My area of research is in biosensors and bioelectronics and I currently work on developing Graphene based biosensors. The goal is to help build a point-of-care device that is affordable, accurate and can detect multiple targets at the same time within a very short time frame.

Describe your involvement within the department and UC San Diego (were/are you involved in student orgs, recreation, certificate programs, internships, etc. outside of curricular requirements?)
Was involved with XSTEM workshop and was a Peer Mentor at JUMP.

Have you received any outstanding mentorship or guidance during your time in the program that made an impact on your research and/or the trajectory of your career?
During my time in the program, the mentorship I received from Dr. Wang, along with the support from my lab mates and postdocs, was invaluable. Their guidance not only deepened my research skills but also shaped the direction of my career, helping me grow both personally and professionally

What has been your favorite part about your graduate experience in the program?
My favorite part of the graduate experience has been how the program challenged me to think critically and deeply about complex problems. It pushed me to constantly question and innovate. And, of course, the beautiful San Diego beaches played a huge role in keeping my sanity intact during finals week!

Any thoughts or advice you'd like to share with prospective graduate students?
My advice to prospective graduate students is to step out of your comfort zone—don’t just stick to what you know. Engage with people from different backgrounds and cultures. The diversity of perspectives at UC San Diego is a rich resource that will broaden your horizons and enhance your learning experience. Ask questions and make polite requests. You won't know what's possible if you don't ask and most people are surprisingly accommodating to reasonable requests and will help (or at least point to someone who can!).

If you are an Alumni from our program, what is your current role, or what are your career prospects and plans for the future?
In my current role as a Bioinformatics Associate at Zymo Research Corp, I am dedicated to advancing my career by addressing complex biological challenges and making significant contributions to scientific advancements. My goal is to continually grow professionally and drive impactful innovations in the field.