Primitive Learning - Exploring Natural Intelligence

Yang Cai, PhD

Head of Visual Intelligence Studio and Senior Research Scientist
Qualcomm Institute
University of California, San Diego

Seminar Information

Seminar Date
January 19, 2024 - 2:00 PM

The FUNG Auditorium - PFBH



Natural selection has produced instinctive behaviors through the slow and gradual accumulation of numerous slight, yet advantageous variations. The result is automation, a behavior that is second nature. This is called the Baldwin Effect. This principle can be applied to both humans and machines. In order to enable a machine to learn as efficiently as a human or animal, we need to understand primitive learning processes within humans, animals, and even insects. In this presentation, we explore primitive learning behaviors, including perceptual adaptive learning, peak-shift, lateral learning, learn-by-tapping, and indirect learning from virtual experiences, such as playing or gaming.

Speaker Bio

Dr. Yang Cai is the author of the monograph “Instinctive Computing” (Springer-London, 2017) and the textbook “Ambient Diagnostics” (CRC/Taylor and Francis, 2014). His research explores the frontier of artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR), including Natural Intelligence and Extended Reality. He is the Head of Visual Intelligence Studio and Senior Research Scientist at Qualcomm Institute, University of California, San Diego.