
Graduating students honored with engineering Awards of Excellence

June 11, 2020

Graduating students honored with engineering Awards of Excellence

Six students were selected from among their peers to receive an Award of Excellence for their outstanding academic, leadership and community contributions.  Full Story

Class Acts: 2020 Grads Step into the Spotlight

June 4, 2020

Class Acts: 2020 Grads Step into the Spotlight

They’ve worked hard, made an impact, inspired their communities, and most of all, they’ve demonstrated incredible resilience in challenging times. Help celebrate the class of 2020’s remarkable achievements by reading their stories of hope as these new alumni create better futures for themselves and the world. Full Story

Students harness their knowledge for ventilator challenge

April 28, 2020

Students harness their knowledge for ventilator challenge

Two groups of engineering students at UC San Diego spent their spring break harnessing their knowledge to contribute to the ventilator shortage the world is facing with the COVID-19 pandemic.  Full Story

Making recombinant-protein drugs cheaper

April 23, 2020

Making recombinant-protein drugs cheaper

By cleaning up mammalian cell lines that produce recombinant-protein drugs, researchers forge a path to purer, cheaper drugs that treat cancer, arthritis and other complex diseases Full Story

Bioengineers inducted into prestigious biomedical institution

April 8, 2020

Bioengineers inducted into prestigious biomedical institution

Two researchers at the Jacobs School of Engineering were inducted into the College of Fellows of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering. The College of Fellows is comprised of the top 2 percent of medical and biological engineers in the country. Full Story

Discovery of new biomarker in blood could lead to early test for Alzheimer's disease

March 31, 2020

Discovery of new biomarker in blood could lead to early test for Alzheimer's disease

UC San Diego researchers discovered that high blood levels of RNA produced by the PHGDH gene could serve as a biomarker for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease. The work could lead to the development of a blood test to identify individuals who will develop the disease years before they show symptoms. Full Story

UC San Diego Engineers and Doctors Team Up to Retrofit and Build Ventilators

March 26, 2020

UC San Diego Engineers and Doctors Team Up to Retrofit and Build Ventilators

Even as university campuses close across the nation in an effort to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, a team of engineers and physicians at the University of California San Diego is rapidly developing simple, ready-to-use ventilators to be deployed if the need arises.The project kick-started several weeks ago when news started to trickle in that communities in Northern Italy with widespread COVID-19 were in dire straits.“One of the biggest things we heard was that there weren’t enough ventilators to treat all of the patients coming into the hospitals,” said James Friend, a professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and the Department of Surgery at UC San Diego. “It’s clear that if we’re not careful, we might end up in the same situation.” Full Story

Making cell modeling more realistic

March 17, 2020

Making cell modeling more realistic

UC San Diego researchers have developed a computational tool that makes modeling and simulation of complex cellular processes more true to life. The tool, dubbed GAMer 2, simplifies the process of using realistic cell geometries in mathematical models. Full Story

Undergraduate students bring Intranet to rural Ghanaian school

March 16, 2020

Undergraduate students bring Intranet to rural Ghanaian school

A team of undergraduates, who are part of the Global Ties program at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering, developed a self-sustaining and scalable computer server and intranet system. The system will allow teachers at the Semanhyiya American School (SAS) in the rural village of Senase, Ghana, to download Internet pages and educational materials that students can access anytime at school—even when there is no Internet.  Full Story

UC San Diego synthetic biologists redesign the way bacteria 'talk' to each other

March 4, 2020

UC San Diego synthetic biologists redesign the way bacteria 'talk' to each other

Bioengineers at the University of California San Diego have redesigned how harmless E. coli bacteria “talk” to each other. The new genetic circuit could become a useful new tool for synthetic biologists who, as a field, are looking for ways to better control the bacteria they engineer to perform all sorts of tasks, including drug delivery, bioproduction of valuable compounds, and environmental sensing. Full Story